A Milestones Met Interview

Please share your exciting news (agent signing, book sale, etc.)!

A River of Dust: The Life-Giving Link Between North Africa and the Amazon Rainforest released on July 25th from Chronicle Books! And a new book contract is currently being negotiated with another publisher.

How long have you been writing/pursuing an agent/publishing deal and how has the Courage to Create program/tools served you in reaching this milestone?

The book took eight years, from idea to publication. I’m not sure I would have made it the distance without the CtC and this community. It’s a marathon, and we need people along the way to give us an occasional energy bar or a long, cold drink of persistence.

When we reach a milestone, it means we may encounter new fears and challenges, as well as joys along the journey. How has being a part of the CTC community prepared you for both enjoying the celebration of a milestone reached and the work that is next to come?

I sold A RIVER OF DUST in mid-2020, and then three long years passed before I sold another book, despite having an agent. I’d gotten close, with several R&Rs or eventually losing out during acquisition phase. Without CtC, I think I may have given in to despair. But the community kept me going, kept feeding me energy bars and long, cold drinks.

In the Courage to Create, we call on our Big Why as we engage in the ups and downs of the literary life? What’s your BIG WHY and how does it keep you motivated to keep working towards new milestones?

I write for the up and coming generation, the kids who are curious, who want to help save our planet, the kids who want to laugh and learn, and love the beauty that surrounds us. I want to feed their curiosity and empathy and awe. I want them to become good stewards of Earth. And I want them to be compassionate toward each other. Writing books that helps them become the best people they can be is my primary goal.

It’s not easy to keep creating courage when it comes to our literary lives. Did you ever encounter a low point or period and did you lean on any of the CTC tools or practices? What did the no/not yets, or near misses/champagne rejections teach you in hindsight not that your YES is here?

During the three long years between my debut picture book going to auction and then selling another, I leaned on the belief that my “yes” would come, and that it takes the time it takes, if only I didn’t give up. And also that it’s not helpful to waste time or mental energy (don’t waste those energy bars!!) comparing my journey with others who are more prolific. I will do my work in my time. Everyone’s marathon is a different distance and is run at a different speed. The only speed or finish time that matters is your own.

As we celebrate your milestone reached, what thoughts can you share with other writers who may doubt they will reach their first or next milestone?

I have ADHD, so I have trouble staying focused. And WHAT to focus on is key. Firstly, NOT focusing on others progress or milestones, unless it is to celebrate their successes, is crucial to staying sane. Stay focused on your own journey. Stay focused on projects that feed your heart. Stay focused on improving and creating your best work for the most important audience in the world: kids. And if you stay focused, your “YES” will come.

What is your favorite Courage to Create Belief?


Jilanne Hoffmann has a degree in Industrial Engineering, and an MFA in Creative Writing. Her debut picture book, A RIVER OF DUST: THE LIFE-GIVING LINK BETWEEN NORTH AFRICA AND THE AMAZON, illustrated by Eugenia Mello, is a Junior Library Guild Gold Selection, and earned a starred review from Publishers Weekly. Jilanne is also the author of two board books for young explorers, THE HONEY BEAR HIVE and HAPPY CAMPER, both illustrated by Erica Harrison. She’s a member of 12×12, the Courage to Create Community, and is a San Francisco coordinator for the SCBWI South Bay Region. She’s also a member of PBSpree, STEAMTeam, and StoryJammers kidlit book groups and reviews children’s books on her website. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram. She lives in San Francisco with her family.

You’ll encounter many obstacles on the way to your yes, but you can take certain time-tested actions to stay inspired and resilient along the way.

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