A Milestones Met Interview

Please share your exciting news (agent signing, book sale, etc.)!

In September, I signed with my agent, Laurel Symonds, at The Bent Agency!

How long have you been writing/pursuing an agent/publishing deal and how has the Courage to Create program/tools served you in reaching this milestone?

I’ve been writing children’s books since 2013. I started querying agents in 2015 and found an editor instead in 2016. I published two books at Lerner Publishing with editorial director Domenica Di Piazza. I only queried a handful of agents before February 2021. With each rejection, I felt there was something wrong with my work. Or really, something wrong with me. I worked hard on my craft through critique groups, SCBWI, 12×12 and, starting in 2019, Writing Barn courses online.

Courage to Create came along in 2020 at the perfect time: I was ready to get myself out of my way in my writing and my submissions to agents. I knew I needed an agent to move fully into the trade market. I made the commitment in February 2021 to have a query out with at least four agents. When a rejection came in, I would consider it, learn from it, and send out another query. I received several champagne rejections (e.g. your writing and this topic is fabulous, amazing, innovative, beautiful, etc., but it’s not a fit for us.). So many that I asked the CTC community if it was possible to get drunk on these rejections. The laughter helped, but when these champagne rejections continued, I started interpreting them as I would have in my previous life as an innovator of educational technologies: the market is saturated. My work is good but there’s no room for it. Bethany, kindly but firmly, told me no, that’s not it. Keep going. She even asked my question (If I’m receiving lots of champagne rejections, does it mean the market is saturated?) of a panel of agents. I felt Bethany’s gaze on me across the virtual space. The agents looked surprised and unanimously said No! It means you are on the right track. Keep going!

So I did.

When we reach a milestone, it means we may encounter new fears and challenges, as well as joys along the journey. How has being a part of the CTC community prepared you for both enjoying the celebration of a milestone reached and the work that is next to come?

When people ask me if I’m worried about selling my books, the market, sales… fill in the blank about something to worry about in writing and publishing, I can honestly say no. That doesn’t mean I won’t be down the road, but I’ve promised myself that I’m going to savor this honeymoon time of a milestone reached. I’m going to savor the next honeymoon time, too.

In the Courage to Create, we call on our Big Why as we engage in the ups and downs of the literary life? What’s your Big Why and how does it keep you motivated to keep working towards new milestones?

I struggled with this one: the BIG WHY. It’s like asking why am I who I am? There are many reasons. But the real reason underneath it all: I write to learn and to share what I’ve learned with readers (who are really learners).

It’s not easy to keep creating courage when it comes to our literary lives. Did you ever encounter a low point or period and did you lean on any of the CTC tools or practices? What did the no/not yets, or near misses/champagne rejections teach you in hindsight now that your YES is here?

Yes, I was going to quit trying to publish my books because I had about 10 champagne rejections. I went back and counted all my rejections from agents and it’s 23. That’s not a lot. Even if it were a lot, so what? IT TAKES THE TIME IT TAKES. I’m a goal-oriented person. When I focus, nothing has ever stopped me. What does stop me is me. I’m finding a lot of power in coupling the CTC beliefs of FOCUS ON THE GOALS. Forget the noise (that’s my addition) with IT TAKES THE TIME IT TAKES. I’m not patient with myself naturally, but I am learning to be. Also, when I posted in the CTC FB group that I was consider quitting, I received encouragement from many CTCers to keep going. Brenda Panella-Dominguez specifically reached out to tell me that I could not quit because my writing was too good and that she would be my critique partner to make sure that I kept going. Thank you, CTC, Brenda, Bethany, and my CTC critique group for all of your encouragement.

As we celebrate your milestone reached, what thoughts can you share with other writers who may doubt they will reach their first or next milestone?

Check in about your work — is it the best it can be? Who can help you make it better? When it’s your best, persist. Persist. PERSIST to achieve your next goal.

What is your favorite Courage to Create Belief?

“Focus on the GOALS. Milestones happen on their own.”

Melissa Koch writes nonfiction children’s books (PB to YA) that focus on making science and social justice personal and valuable to kids. Her recent publications for young adults include 3D Printing: The Revolution in Personalized Manufacturing (2017) and Forest Talk: How Trees Communicate (2019). For young adults exploring education careers and current educators, she co-authored “Gender Bias: Past, Present, and Future” in Multicultural Education, 10th edition (2019) and Teachers, Schools, and Society, 6th edition (2021). She has also designed award-winning learning technologies and out-of-school learning experiences that encourage women and youth from diverse backgrounds to pursue their dreams in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

You’ll encounter many obstacles on the way to your yes, but you can take certain time-tested actions to stay inspired and resilient along the way.

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